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🚀 [Daily Ad] Oddly satisfying ads and ads featuring visual metaphors 📱🎉

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hello -

This week’s Daily Ad features an ‘oddly satisfying’ gaming ad and non-gaming ads showing visual metaphors.

Let’s take a look at the ads.

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🏹 Starts off with a satisfying shot of arrows being shot into gelatin/cement/cardboard (multiple variants). 🎮 Switches to gameplay after this shot, with similar satisfying sound effects linking the two shots.


💡 Visual transformation of everyday purchases to cash.

🤷 Popular products are used that have high-frequency purchases- headphones, shoes, etc.

🍦 Alluring visual of ice cream, which is widely believed to be fattening. | 💪 Headline directly challenges this belief. | ✅ Adds fact + advice in text.

🤑 Strong hook focuses on a 30-second hack & a random big number.

📱 Detailed app walkthrough: how the app works & how the user saved the amount.

🤗 The ad ends with an image of the user treating herself instead of wasting money.

That’s it for this week.



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