
Welcome to The Mobile Growth Lab, your weekly dose of insights to help you win in a post-identifier world.

🐒 You are not a monkey sitting at a typewriter. ⌨️

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read


In some of my recent audits I’ve come across ad creatives with scripts that have been egregiously bad. Purple prose. Cliches. You name it.

Like: one of them said: “now you can buy this extremely trendy <PRODUCT>”

…other highlights included: “Hey there! I just found something incredible….” and “this is used by some very famous influencers.”

🤦‍♂️ You can guess where I’m going with this….

All of these were very clearly and obviously written by AI - and were subject to little or no human review(or the humans reviewing it really had very little discernment about what makes good copy).

As the popular Infinite Monkey theorem says:

A monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, including the complete works of William Shakespeare.

You certainly could hand over AI to a monkey and it could come up with some purple prose of the sort I reviewed.

Or you could do better than that. Way way better than that.

The smartest marketers I know use AI with their eyes wide open: fusing the magic of AI with their individual skills: the ideas and insights that make us uniquely human are what lend AI its superpowers.

As someone said(I forget the attribution - Googling throws up Dave Ramsey ;)): “You are the secret sauce in all things AI.”

That is what I'm hoping you'll unlock for yourself in using AI.

….and this is why we’re doubling down on all things AI in our work - in a way that infuses AI with human judgment and time tested strategies.

It's a bit more work than using LazyGPT - but then, you're way better than GPTBro or a monkey hammering away at a typewriter.

….and this is why we're opening up our playbooks to help you learn and unlock some of the most important use cases of AI with performance marketing(see link in the PS below).

....and this is why we’re unlocking some massive wins in our creative strategy projects lately: where we arent just churning out ad creatives hoping that something sticks.

Instead, we take deep research and analysis, and ‘connect the dots’ to come up with winning ad creatives. We review, analyze and build on the learnings of these creatives to improve on them to unlock ROAS, growth and scale.

All done with AI, BUT not monkey-style: instead powered by smart humans who have put in their ‘reps’ that can only come from making 10000+ creatives, really having the kind of 'muscle memory' of the elements that unlock wins in creatives(this is why games like Wordscapes, Project Makeover and Star Trek Fleet Command; and apps like Bumble, Lingokids and FitMind work with us).

If you’re interested in unlocking these kinds of creative wins for yourself, we’re now offering a free creative strategy audit, in which we do a deep dive of your ad creatives, testing strategy, messaging, structure - and every element of what makes your ad creatives tick: and help you supercharge these for performance with our wonderful humans - and magical AI.

If you’re interested, hit reply and tell us more about your situation. I read every email.



PS: In this week’s episode of Intelligent Artifice, we walk you through how we get AI to make variants of winning ads(1 minute 58 secs).

PPS: AI performance creative mastery is our in-depth course on using AI tools to supercharge your performance by using AI tools to transform every part of your creative workflow for performance marketing without the information overwhelm - even if you’re not a designer or developer or GPTBro.

We’re cookin’ this up right now - and if you’re interested, consider signing up for the waitlist here. This waitlist just tells us that you’re interested in the course when it comes out - there is no commitment at this point. (We will offer a discounted price for folks on the waitlist).

PPPS: Check out our latest resources

  1. From the Mobile UA Show: Learnings from 750+ AB tests with Matthew Emery (Product Manager & Consultant at Turbine Games Consulting.)
  2. A gallery of App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompts: The brainchild of our friend Sylvain Gauchet. Review, search and submit App Tracking Transparency prompts here.
  3. We're hiring. If you are(or you know of) a superstar creative strategist or user acquisition manager, hit reply and let me know.
  4. What Product Market Fit has in common with obscenity
  5. Can't find your app in Meta for iOS 14+ campaigns?

Welcome to The Mobile Growth Lab, your weekly dose of insights to help you win in a post-identifier world.

The Mobile Growth Lab features hard won insights from the front-lines of mobile marketing - delivered straight into your inbox. For free.

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